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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 3, 2019

Beer right meow shirt

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Omega Underground is reporting that Beer right meow shirt, which landed him the Academy Award nom. It should also set him up to tackle the partially intergalactic setting of Captain Marvel. Interestingly, Nicholson also served as the Art Director on Captain America: The First Avenger, which will also help him craft the feel of Carol Danvers big screen adventure. Nicholson has also worked in various capacities on Alice in Wonderland, Assassin’s Creed, and Divergent. His work will next be seen in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, where he served as Production Designer during the recently-wrapped shoot. Buy this shirt:  Beer right meow shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/beer-right-meow https://www.gearbubble.com/right-meow-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b56eg3/beer_right_meow_shirt/

I am the bad influence uncle shirt

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Captain Marvel heads towards the start of I am the bad influence uncle shirt. Though Captain Marvel was announced some time ago, the various members of the film’s cast and crew have only slowly trickled in over the years. With shooting said to begin in January or February of next year in California, however, more and more announcements have been made in recent months. Comic-Con brought with it word that the movie will take place in the ’90s and tackle the Kree-Skrull War. It may even feature Nick Fury, though Samuel L. Buy this shirt:  I am the bad influence uncle shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b56eal/i_am_the_bad_influence_uncle_shirt/ https://www.gearbubble.com/influence-uncle-shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/bad-influence-uncle

Don’t be a hippo twatamus twatwaffle cuntasaurous shirt

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Shae Blue actually, animal mothers usually abandon premature babies cause in the Don’t be a hippo twatamus twatwaffle cuntasaurous shirt. This baby would have died if people weren’t there to help it. Happy Birthday Sweet Baby Fiona!! You have brought me and numerous others so much joy since your miraculous arrival. You are so strong baby girl and have made a happy and positive impact on the nation. Here’s to many more years of living a happy hippo life and bringing smiles to people’s faces everywhere! With the odds being firmly against her survival, it would have been easy to keep her to yourselves until she was much older and stronger but by letting everyone share in the struggle. Buy this shirt:  Don’t be a hippo twatamus twatwaffle cuntasaurous shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/dont-hippo-twatamus https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b56dog/dont_be_a_hippo_twatamus_twatwaffle_cuntasaurous/ https://www.gearbubble.com/amus-twatwaffle-cuntasaurous

Eating for 2 I’m not pregnant it’s me and my inner bitch we’re hungry shirt

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Can’t believe it’s been 2 years since this miracle came into our lives what a blessing she has been for the Eating for 2 I’m not pregnant it’s me and my inner bitch we’re hungry shirt. It seems ironic that you are claiming to be interested in health while making such uninformed comments about health care in Finnland. To Republicans, facts and science not conforming to this alt- right ideology are ignored or lied about. All you need to do is to take a look at the values liberals and you don’t have to why we have the problems in this country,and thay say thay believe in the Bible and the God of the Bible , open your eyes America. Look you have to face facts. Buy this shirt:  Eating for 2 I’m not pregnant it’s me and my inner bitch we’re hungry shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b56d1k/eating_for_2_im_not_pregnant_its_me_and_my_inner/ https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/eating-2-im-not-pregnant https://linkhay.com/link/2652373/eating-for-2-iam-not-pregn...

Official Sunflower weed shirt

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I want to thank all of you who are watching us for all Official Sunflower weed shirt. They don’t know how important it was in those moments. I assure you that without the pressure of social networks, this would have complicated much more. And we are still waiting for our cameras, our interview and the cell phones of my colleagues. Let it go Jorge. It’s over and you blew a great chance that Maduro gave you. If you would have done objective reporting you would have gotten a great story. Buy this shirt:  Official Sunflower weed shirt https://medium.com/@fashions/i-want-to-thank-all-of-you-who-are-watching-us-for-all-official-sunflower-weed-shirt-fd549b3b6289 https://www.thehunt.com/the-hunt/xsej22-official-sunflower-weed https://linkhay.com/link/2652372/official-sunflower-weed-shirt

Sloth running team we’ll get there when we get there vintage shirt

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I thought the same thing, its the peoples fault that it is a Sloth running team we’ll get there when we get there vintage shirt. They don’t deserve it they should make it happen Even if the transportation system hired people to lean daily, still wouldn’t make a difference until people stop being disgusting slobs. Tommy Saunders, that’s exactly what I thought when I read that last comment. I agree, why do they deserve a clean subway when they are the ones who screwed it up in the first place. That’s like rewarding a kid throwing a temper tantrum with a lollipop. Here’s an idea. Buy this shirt:  Sloth running team we’ll get there when we get there vintage shirt https://www.thehunt.com/the-hunt/2Q4yzJ-sloth-running-team-vintage https://medium.com/@fashions/i-thought-the-same-thing-its-the-peoples-fault-that-it-is-a-sloth-running-team-well-get-there-ae61e20de6ed   https://linkhay.com/link/2652371/sloth-running-team-weall-get-there-when-we-get-there-vintage-shirt

Hunter And America Punisher shirt

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For the so-called Greatest Country In The World, we sure are lacking in a lot of areas of Hunter And America Punisher shirt, while “excelling” at the worst in society. And to the haters who would say to love it or leave it, kiss my ass. If you don’t want the best for your country, then you deserve less. I think it’s the people’s inner character and moral fiber is the difference in Japan it’s not acceptable to destroy or throw garbage all around. It won’t change here until people fix themselves. And by the way Japanese are very mindful of others. Buy this shirt:  Hunter And America Punisher shirt https://medium.com/@fashions/hunter-and-america-punisher-shirt-2722869385ba https://linkhay.com/link/2652370/hunter-and-america-punisher-shirt https://www.thehunt.com/the-hunt/rsns7x-hunter-america-punisher

Karen highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic bold since birth shirt

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I lived in Tokyo for 2 and half months and almost every working day travelled by Karen highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic bold since birth shirt. And from there to Omiya. Absolutely clean stations, absolute punctuality and no Dhakka mukki for getting out of train and entering in train and inside.Worth millions appreciation. Tokyo subway system is private, it’s in someone’s personal financial interest for it to be run perfectly, so people don’t opt for other forms of transport, and they can make more money. Funny how that works in capitalism. Thats because the managers and the supervisors are not doing there jobs. They should be making themselves visible and making sure the workers are doing their complete jobs for the day. Buy this shirt:  Karen highly eccentric extra tough and super sarcastic bold since birth shirt https://www.thehunt.com/the-hunt/JfDjMv-karen-highly-eccentric-extra-tough-super-sarcastic-birth https://medium.com/p/d7102b1e8c35/edit https://link...

More than friends we’re also accomplices and alibis shirt

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People are slobs in New York! Your not suppose to eat in the More than friends we’re also accomplices and alibis shirt. People are the ones littering !!! Years ago if you spit in the subways you would get a ticket. Much worse is done today. People have no respect Don’t throw your trash around and clean up after yourselves. It’s everyone job to keep this world clean! The NYC subway is not only important on a national level, it’s important on an international level. It has never only been for “local commuters”. It’s a question of priorities, and of community. It’s a question of societal philosophy. Buy this shirt:  More than friends we’re also accomplices and alibis shirt https://medium.com/@fashions/people-are-slobs-in-new-york-18c6064b1fd https://www.thehunt.com/the-hunt/LXWPZv-friends-accomplices-alibis https://linkhay.com/link/2652368/more-than-friends-weare-also-accomplices-and-alibis-shirt

Official Beautiful crazy shirt

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I went to Tokyo the thing I noticed the Official Beautiful crazy shirt. The parks were impeccable, the roads and subway was clean. Never saw anyone throw anything on the ground. Many food vendors in the park. When someone purchased food the food was given in a container that could be closed and preserved. They have each person a rubber band asking if any food left when finished to secure it with the rubber band so it would stay clean for the homeless that will dumpster dive for food. That’s the difference between japanese people to other people of the world, japanese are well discipline compare to other, in japan there no street cleaner the resident are the one cleaning the street early in the morning including canals. Buy this shirt:  Official Beautiful crazy shirt https://www.thehunt.com/the-hunt/ebhPwU-official-crazy https://medium.com/@fashions/i-went-to-tokyo-the-thing-i-noticed-the-official-beautiful-crazy-shirt-7f5b0bad520b https://linkhay.com/link/2652367/official-beau...

Team Rivera lifetime member shirt

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Team Rivera lifetime member shirt? Did God not say, the one who is free of sin to throw the first stone? You suffered a lot I know it cost you a lot to get up from every fall, but in the You managed to stay to be history, and only the good ones we loved you with love will never forget you. Rest in peace warrior woman. Your beautiful songs you are beautiful, I know you did a lot of good things with people in need that you had a great heart That’s why God needed you with so that you’ll sing to him. What a song of song that s letters reach me to the soul doesn’t give me. Shame to say it because I’m not a hypocrite but I already know and heart as I make it understand. Buy this shirt:  Team Rivera lifetime member shirt https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/team-rivera-lifetime-member-shirt https://medium.com/@doantrangno12/team-rivera-lifetime-member-shirt-4f80987aae0 https://shioppingshirt.wordpress.com/2019/03/21/team-rivera-lifetime-member-shirt/

Unicorn She’s beauty she’s grace she’ll punch you in the face shirt

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Now this is the Unicorn She’s beauty she’s grace she’ll punch you in the face shirt and richness of the voices combined I still like Celtic Thunder but they have lost that Grace that they had singing together with this group but I pray Celtic Thunder carries on because they stand for so much God bless them all past and future and of course present. I love this original group and sadly miss those who have left for other reasons. But Mr. George Donaldson holds a special place in my heart. I loved his voice, his humor, and his gentleness that came through when he was singing or not. I would have loved to have known him. Keith is off and on to much success I hope with his new baby and wife. Buy this shirt:  Unicorn She’s beauty she’s grace she’ll punch you in the face shirt https://medium.com/@doantrangno12/now-this-is-the-unicorn-shes-beauty-she-s-grace-she-ll-punch-you-in-the-face-shirt-and-richness-4f3b942e97dd https://doantrangno12.wixsite.com/website/blog/unicorn-she-s-beauty-...

Christian Jesus you say I am loved you say I am strong you say shirt

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I love Christian Jesus you say I am loved you say I am strong you say shirt! It is a shame that he has to die one day. I love him for everything Black, Afrocentric and culturally strong that he represents. And as much as it pains me to say this, I have to but Brother Farrakhan is as lost in the fallacies of the Abrahamic religions as are the masses of Africans here in America. Jesus was not a Christian. This guy needs to either close his mouth or admit that he’s a false preacher. Hey Mister minister, no matter how you twist the word of God with your current Bible you can’t decide everyone or fool us about Jesus Christ. Take those fake teachings to your family, not for everyone. Buy this shirt:  Christian Jesus you say I am loved you say I am strong you say shirt https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/christian-jesus-you-say-i-am-loved-you-say-i-am-strong-you-say-shirt https://medium.com/@doantrangno12/i-love-christian-jesus-you-say-i-am-loved-you-say-i-am-strong-you-say-shirt-c753b4...

Cat Keep it classy and a little trashy shirt

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Why isn’t anyone talking about the Cat Keep it classy and a little trashy shirt? United should be paying out millions just so they could as hurt as that woman who lost her dog. I would never put up there, but she doesn’t speak English very well so she was probably afraid to speak up. Said that she was made to feel that way. Please, this is so not fair that people can get away with this. And now United is saying that the fight attendant didn’t know they’re was a dog in the bag bullshit. We should all be screaming. Darren Criss did a good job as Andrew Cunanan, but I hated that character. Full of lies and deceit. Ricky Martin didn’t really have a big part in these series. His character on Versace is insane! Buy this shirt:  Cat Keep it classy and a little trashy shirt https://medium.com/@doantrangno12/why-isnt-anyone-talking-about-the-cat-keep-it-classy-and-a-little-trashy-shirt-5ebcaa9bf662 https://shioppingshirt.wordpress.com/2019/03/21/cat-keep-it-classy-and-a-little-trashy-sh...

Baby is Coming Game Of Thrones shirt

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If past lives do exist, I would say we are witnessing a Baby is Coming Game Of Thrones shirt. The emotional connection is so beautiful. This is so touching. This little girl loves everything human displayed by this babe. Her senses are filled. She feels emotion on a level far extending her age. A beautiful, beautiful child with a beautiful baby. God shows us his face. Studies reveal young children can remember the time before their birth for up to five years of age. This is a profound life event. Blessings for sharing! I’m an empath as well and I did the same thing. To the other comments, it’s a blessing and a curse because you connect with people on a deeper level but it also emotionally drains you, especially when surrounded by negative people. Buy this shirt:  Baby is Coming Game Of Thrones shirt https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/baby-is-coming-game-of-thrones-shirt https://medium.com/@doantrangno12/if-past-lives-do-exist-i-would-say-we-are-witnessing-a-baby-is-coming-game-o...

I’m blunt because God rolled me that way shirt

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Life must continue with struggles and I’m blunt because God rolled me that way shirt and in you in all his children. Our Father gives us the strength to overcome all our conflicts and tribulations and he makes us strong to face all that may come our way, it’s hard because life is tough and hard but the LORD OUR FATHER gives us blessings every day and the will and the power. Father give me the strength to continue. I’m doing what’s right and the enemy looks like they are winning. Father vengeance is yours. Help make what the wrong, right. Amen and thank you, Jesus, for all the blessings in my life and for the bad things as well as the good things. For the bad things have made me stronger and has taught me many valuable lessons in my life. Buy this shirt:  I’m blunt because God rolled me that way shirt https://medium.com/@doantrangno12/life-must-continue-with-struggles-and-im-blunt-because-god-rolled-me-that-way-shirt-and-in-you-in-b39aed9de0a3 https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/i...

Skeletons I found this humerus shirt

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There were a number of Skeletons I found this humerus shirtto entertain. They were used as a showcase or demonstration of the artistic and technical skills of the studio’s animation staff. The animation was just coming into its own and being used in live-action films to dramatize what could not be done or was too expensive to accomplish otherwise. The great horror and science fiction movies of the time depended on animation to portray spaceships flying through space and transformations like the man to Wolf and back. Mixed with live action they brought a new look and feel of reality to movies like Frankenstein and The Fly! When times were simple and good. You didn’t have crazy schedules and a phone in your hand all the time. Buy this shirt:  Skeletons I found this humerus shirt https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/skeletons-i-found-this-humerus-shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/skeletons-i-found-this-humerus-shirt.html https://www.reddit.com/user/shoppingshit/comm...

Team Long lifetime member shirt

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Team Long lifetime member shirt. That was an awesome moment I’m sure Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins made that young man day right there. WWE fan for life even when they barely came out on the USA Network when they were the WWF that’s how far back I go. Respect to all the WWE Superstars to put their bodies on the line every day to entertain all of us. Love this, you guys are so great! My son love you, he has severe asthma so often has breathing problems, but WWE has always been something that helps him forget about his troubles. He often does breathing treatments while playing with the Shield figurines. He recently saw you at a show in Illinois, and had the time of his life! Buy this shirt:  Team Long lifetime member shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/team-long-lifetime-member-shirt.html https://tictail.com/doantrangno12/team-long-lifetime-member-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/shoppingshit/comments/b3orya/team_long_lifetime_member_shirt/

Sunflower you are my sunshine Disney shirt

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I think Will Smith was a Sunflower you are my sunshine Disney shirt. Sure everyone thinks of the Disney movie with Robin Williams as the voice actor, and are comparing the two together. I can see why no one likes it, but who would you choose to play a genie? Those are some hard shoes to fill. Do the People bashing Will, realize that Robin Williams was only the voice actor for a genie. If you actually think that Robin could fit the actual role of a genie in live action is fucking retarded. He doesn’t fit the build he couldn’t match the constant energy of genie. Buy this shirt:  Sunflower you are my sunshine Disney shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2645317/sunflower-you-are-my-sunshine-disney-shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/sunflower-you-are-my-sunshine-disney-shirt.html https://www.reddit.com/user/shoppingshit/comments/b3oqqr/motherhood_like_a_walk_in_the_park_shirt/

Stitch Disney Vacay mode shirt

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Stitch Disney Vacay mode shirt. The hill is called viagra. Been there many times and I’ve watched several people roll their rigs down it. I don’t care what anybody says that’s pretty stupid to be doing that without a Helmet on. In Michigan, you couldn’t even get away with that shit. The DNR would be all over you writing tickets till they ran out of paper. Michigan DNR blows they don’t protect anything all they are is a moneymaking racket. Stupid fucks keep killing our natural water resources. With all that fuel and oil contamination. Not to mention all that raw fuel is that crappi shit dum.fuck is burning. A typical sport for rednecks, Both Canadian and Americans: waste of gas, pollution, degradation of natural sites, beer guzzling. Buy this shirt:  Stitch Disney Vacay mode shirt http://shoppingshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/stitch-disney-vacay-mode-shirt.html https://linkhay.com/link/2645315/stitch-disney-vacay-mode-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/shoppingshit/comments/b3orhz...

Goose Cat bring me thanos shirt

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The things we have experienced together have Goose Cat bring me thanos shirt and I think Ryan is going to be something so great one day and I’m just glad god chose me to be his mommy and watch him achieve it one day. Nothing will ever stop Ryan from his dreams. https://lalakeshirt.com/. At least once a week I will post this. It’s not to make people sad or upset, it’s to show this little amazing face, he has more then half my name, my beautiful little nephew, all I ask. Buy this shirt:  Goose Cat bring me thanos shirt https://medium.com/@fashions/the-things-we-have-experienced-together-have-goose-cat-bring-me-thanos-shirt-and-i-think-ryan-is-da82653999e7 https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/goose-cat-bring-me-thanos-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b2gkyq/goose_cat_bring_me_thanos_shirt/

If you want me to listen to you talk about Rabbits shirt

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The problem we have here is that this chicken won’t realize that he must first deal with the If you want me to listen to you talk about Rabbits shirt It goes after the problem on the other side of the road. What we need to do is help him realize how stupid he is acting by not taking on his current problems before adding any new problems. We don’t really care why the chicken crossed the road. https://lalakeshirt.com/. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road or not. The chicken is either with us or against us. Buy this shirt:  If you want me to listen to you talk about Rabbits shirt https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/if-you-want-me-to-listen-to-you-talk-about-rabbits-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/trangtshirts/comments/b2gkvo/if_you_want_me_to_listen_to_you_talk_about/ https://linkhay.com/link/2637446/if-you-want-me-to-listen-to-you-talk-about-rabbits-shirt

Maggie Smith I’m never wrong vintage shirt

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I’ve been suggesting that the way a Maggie Smith I’m never wrong vintage shirt. Sadly those committing acts of what I perceive to be insensitive and offensive behaviour, see the world differently to me. But at least I spoke up. I said my piece and I will carry on being a thorn in their side. For to give in, just because you’re a lone voice in the wilderness, is to accept that things will never change. https://lalakeshirt.com/. I constantly remind myself that just because others might see me as a pain in the backside. Buy this shirt:  Maggie Smith I’m never wrong vintage shirt https://fr.quora.com/blog/https-lalakeshirt-com/Maggie-Smith-I-m-never-wrong-vintage-shirt https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/maggie-smith-i-m-never-wrong-vintage-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2637444/maggie-smith-iam-never-wrong-vintage-shirt

Being a Grandma doesn’t make me old it makes me blessed shirt

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No one called me to warn me which way the Being a Grandma doesn’t make me old it makes me blessed shirt. I had a standing order at the Farmer’s Market to sell my eggs when the price dropped to a certain level. No little bird gave me any insider information. https://lalakeshirt.com/. Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I’ve not been told. Isn’t that interesting? In a few moments, we will be listening to the chicken tell, for the first time, the heartwarming story of how it experienced a serious case of molting, and went on to accomplish its lifelong dream of crossing the road. Buy this shirt:  Being a Grandma doesn’t make me old it makes me blessed shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/grandma-doesnt-make-old https://fr.quora.com/blog/https-lalakeshirt-com/Being-a-Grandma-doesn-t-make-me-old-it-makes-me-blessed-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2637442/being-a-grandma-doesnat-make-me-old-it-ma...

Ain’t no auntie like the one I got shirt

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Everything was so clinic and measured out to the Ain’t no auntie like the one I got shirt. https://lalakeshirt.com/. I have spent the last two years looking at every little thing for signs something may be wrong and sometimes I over do it but it’s so hard to not find myself back to the place I was two years ago terrified about what Ryan’s future would look like. He has endured more than he should have ever had too and there are still many unanswered questions about his health and what the future holds but he has made so much progress. Buy this shirt:  Ain’t no auntie like the one I got shirt https://fr.quora.com/blog/https-lalakeshirt-com/Ain-t-no-auntie-like-the-one-I-got-shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/aint-no-auntie-like-one https://linkhay.com/link/2637440/ainat-no-auntie-like-the-one-i-got-shirt

Yes I am the crazy dog lady shirt

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It really is down to the Yes I am the crazy dog lady shirt. As smoker myself I know once hooked it’s a very difficult thing to give up and would probably take generations to change the habit in this country. Seeing those young children smoke is so very sad. I was in Bali recently and I witnessed this fact. People on the street always had a cigarette in hand, when I asked one of my guides he said if there is no tobacco they cannot function. They smoke since they are in elementary school plus cigarettes price in Indonesia is very cheap compared to other country, and you don’t have to be 17 to buy it, people will just sell it to whoever wants to buy. Buy this shirt:  Yes I am the crazy dog lady shirt https://doantrangno002.wixsite.com/fashion/post/yes-i-am-the-crazy-dog-lady-shirt https://fr.quora.com/blog/https-lalakeshirt-com/Yes-I-am-the-crazy-dog-lady-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/crazy-dog-lady-shirt

Official Turtles are green ducks go quack we’re best friends because shirt

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Generally, parents never allow their children to smoke, even if they themselves smokes and the Official Turtles are green ducks go quack we’re best friends because shirt, it is not okay and not normal. Yes, i agree that underage can still smoke easily in Indonesia because there is no strict control for buying cig. But its not like they cant get it if government put a stricter control on cigarettes. US can be seen as example, even with a mandatory id check, underage drinking is everywhere because teens could find a lot of way to get their hand on alcohol. Smoking is good. I started smoking when I was 5 years old. Buy this shirt:  Official Turtles are green ducks go quack we’re best friends because shirt https://fr.quora.com/blog/https-lalakeshirt-com/Official-Turtles-are-green-ducks-go-quack-we-re-best-friends-because-shirt https://www.teezily.com/quack-were-best-friends-because-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/green-ducks-go-quack-best

Queens are born in March shirt

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Im not a smoker, and Queens are born in March shirt. Other countries have alcohol and drugs, this video framed a bad thing about indonesia, just mind your own country problem. The only thing that I disagree over the cigarette in Indonesia is there’s no strict regulation to sell cigarettes to those under 18 as well as smoke cigarettes inside public buildings. But, tobacco-related death, I don’t give a shit. Motorcycle accident-related death are higher than that, which takes your life just like that! Life is short, just enjoy it! I suspect in Malaysia the statistics is just as high if not worse. Buy this shirt:  Queens are born in March shirt https://www.teezily.com/queens-are-born-in-march-shir https://linkhay.com/link/2632604/queens-are-born-in-march-shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/Queens-are-born-in-March-shirt-789691104

A queen was born in April happy birthday to me shirt

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I’ve been a smoker for the A queen was born in April happy birthday to me shirt. Never once I think smoking is cool. You missed something. The government tried to shut it down by stopping the factories but the owner and the employees weren’t happy about that because employees will be jobless. People who work for the company said that they save people ass by hire them to produce the cigarette. Also cigarette company been sponsored so many events that’s why government do not ban cigarette. It’s sad but that’s the reality. I hope government could control at least.  I fly to Indonesia to visit my family. Buy this shirt:  A queen was born in April happy birthday to me shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/A-queen-was-born-in-April-happy-birthday-to-shirt-789691067 https://www.teezily.com/april-happy-birthday-to-me-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2632603/a-queen-was-born-in-april-happy-birthday-to-me-shirt

I’m an August girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve a fire in my soul shirt

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When we not smoker try to warn the smoker usually they act hostile to us with I’m an August girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve a fire in my soul shirt. I am Indonesian living in Germany. It is sad to see there are many smokers in Indonesia and big companies make campaign even at junior high school and universities and distribute free marlboro or djarum also in concert or school sport events. This is so disgusting that smoking is portrayed as cool, macho, brave, success. My brother is living example. He smoked since he was teen until he had to stay in hospital due to smoking . He is lucky he is still alive. Buy this shirt:  I’m an August girl I was born with my heart on my sleeve a fire in my soul shirt https://www.teezily.com/on-my-sleeve-a-fire-in-my-soul-shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/Im-an-August-girl-I-was-born-with-my-heart-shirt-789691022 https://linkhay.com/link/2632602/iam-an-august-girl-i-was-born-with-my-heart-on-my-sleeve-a-fire-in-my-soul...

I’m an June queen I have 3 sides the quiet and sweet the funny shirt

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Though I condemn the easy access for I’m an June queen I have 3 sides the quiet and sweet the funny shirt, tobacco business is not going to lose its charm until the government finds another way to substitute the tobacco business with another that has similar benefits to them. To much bussines and investment issue. Lack of willingness from Indonesian government to stop it. But its my country, i always pray someday our leader will hear and see all of this, and hope its not too late. Smoking is a kind of wicked problem in Indonesia. The government hesitatingly regulate the cigarette because it generates a huge amount of revenue. Beside, currently the revenue from the cigarettes taxes subsidies our healthcare system’s spending. Buy this shirt:  I’m an June queen I have 3 sides the quiet and sweet the funny shirt https://www.deviantart.com/trangshirts/art/Im-an-June-queen-I-have-3-sides-the-quiet-shirt-789690991 https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/im-june-queen-3-sides https:/...

Somewhere in heaven my mother is smiling down on me I love you mom shirt

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I hope this video can reach our goverment and Somewhere in heaven my mother is smiling down on me I love you mom shirt. Trust me cigarette will kill you.. Few years ago my husband got heart attack.. Everyday he consumed more than 4 packs cigarette. But after got heart attack he stop to smoke cigarette till now but the consequences is I get lung diseases. And the doctor said because I was passive smoker.. So stop smoking from now if love your family. This is so sad. And the saddest is that the poor people prioritize cigarettes than food. Because it is cheaper than food. Buy this shirt:  Somewhere in heaven my mother is smiling down on me I love you mom shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/somewhere-heaven-mother https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/somewhere-heaven-my-mother-smiling-down-me-i-love-you-shirt/ http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/somewhere-in-heaven-my-mother-is-smiling-down-on-me-i-love-you-mom-shirt.html

Best cat dad ever Vintage shirt

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I don’t smoke. But my best friends and my loved ones do and I have done everything that i could to stop them and Best cat dad ever Vintage shirt. I think it’s up to the government to step up, but then again the government is highly irresistant to bribery. Tobacco companies have enough money to bribe the entire country’s government officers. I never started smoking. My school friend and I tried cigarillos when we were 14 and found it disgusting. As an adult, smoking is not an issue for me either we only have one life and only one health, so why waste that? Buy this shirt:  Best cat dad ever Vintage shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/best-cat-dad-ever-vintage-shirt-funnyshirts-shirt/ https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/best-cat-dad-ever-vintage http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/best-cat-dad-ever-vintage-shirt.html

Yes I’m a spoiled son but not yours I am the property of a freaking awesome mom she was born in august shirt

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My two brothers are smokers. They always have Yes I’m a spoiled son but not yours I am the property of a freaking awesome mom she was born in august shirt. So, it useless to debate with them on that topic. I just said, I dont like smoke. Dont smoke near me. Its hard to have clean air when you’re in public area. The only thing to do is, go away from that area. If you said your objection to them, they will looked at you as if you are a freak person.  Our body is the temple of God and we are to keep it clean so He can dwell in us! Hence, it is abominable before God to defile it wiith unclean food or unhealthy practices! Buy this shirt:  Yes I’m a spoiled son but not yours I am the property of a freaking awesome mom she was born in august shirt https://trangtshirt.hatenablog.com/entry/property-freaking-awesome https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/yes-im-spoiled-son-yours-i-am-property-freaking-awesome-shirt/ http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/yes-i-m-a-spoiled-son-but-not-y...

LGBT Moist because someone on your timeline doesn’t like the word shirt

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Sad to see cigarettes and instant noodles are sold rampantly at extremely cheaper price in every part of LGBT Moist because someone on your timeline doesn’t like the word shirt. Just like people selling pisang goreng by the roadside; easily accessible by everyone without restrictions. Sorry if this comment offends any Indonesians but this is merely a tourist’s personal observation. And you know what, when we are in public transportation and we complain to the smoker coz they just blew the smoke right to our face, they got more upset then we do they said this is public place, that is why you may not complain. Buy this shirt:  LGBT Moist because someone on your timeline doesn’t like the word shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lgbt-moist-because-someone-your-timeline-doesnt-like-word-shirt/ https://medium.com/@fashions/lgbt-moist-because-someone-on-your-timeline-doesnt-like-the-word-shirt-9251ae2a747a http://trangtshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/lgbt-moist-because-someone-on-your-...

Disney and Starbucks Coffee kinda girl shirt

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Here’s to the women who bring leadership, strength, and purpose to the world of Disney and Starbucks Coffee kinda girl shirt. Meet just a few of the many awe-inspiring women who make Starbucks possible. Why do people feel the need to dis Starbucks because of its “overpriced coffee”? Really, it’s getting old. Just shut up and make your own coffee, while the rest of us go to Starbucks. Buy this shirt:  Disney and Starbucks Coffee kinda girl shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b04ttq/disney_and_starbucks_coffee_kinda_girl_shirt/ http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/disney-and-starbucks-coffee-kinda-girl-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/starbucks-coffee-kinda-girl

Disney and Captain Morgan kinda girl shirt

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Also, there’s a Starbucks credit card now available, and Disney and Captain Morgan kinda girl shirt, too. As today is International Women’s Day, we’re sharing the stories of some awe-inspiring women who make Starbucks possible. I want to celebrate my daughter in law, Lieschen Goff Metzger who has worked at Starbucks for many years and helps support a family and is raising two superwomen. Buy this shirt:  Disney and Captain Morgan kinda girl shirt http://nowbestshirts.strikingly.com/blog/disney-and-captain-morgan-kinda-girl-shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b04tr5/disney_and_captain_morgan_kinda_girl_shirt/ https://www.gearbubble.com/captain-morgan-kinda-girl

I’m a simple woman I like wine flip flop paw dog and Motorbike shirt

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Jack loves the smell of bacon I’m a simple woman I like wine flip flop paw dog and Motorbike shirt! she says let’s go get bacon together we can tell our humans to get busy cooking it. I feel like you wear a greater variety of jackets than I do, Waffles. Yep, I’m a regular dude. Just one. I won’t wear one till it hits 40 degrees or less though. I mix mine up but it really depends on the weather. Today I’ll wear a regular blue jean jacket but yesterday, I wore I quilted coat for staying warm. Buy this shirt:  I’m a simple woman I like wine flip flop paw dog and Motorbike shirt https://www.reddit.com/user/Nicefrogtee/comments/b04tlw/im_a_simple_woman_i_like_wine_flip_flop_paw_dog/ https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/I-m-a-simple-woman-I-like-wine-flip-flop-paw-dog-and-Motorbike-shirt https://www.gearbubble.com/woman-like-wine-flip-flop

Fireman – Just Rescue It Shirt

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Oh, that feeling of Fireman – Just Rescue It Shirt. What an awesome feeling. Hugs Waffles. Sir Waffles, I love to see you getting pampered and having a lazy day! You deserve it 100 %. Masseuse: “so did you hear what carols neighbors cousin who lives next door to Tiffany’s ex said about Janet’s wedding”. Well deserved. Our Waffles must be pampered from your humble servant. Buy this shirt:  Fireman – Just Rescue It Shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Fireman-Just-Rescue-It-Shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/fireman-just-rescue-it-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2623364/fireman-a-just-rescue-it-shirt

Un Deux Trois Cat shirt

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Bow down to the mighty Thor, the cat with perfectly beautiful Un Deux Trois Cat shirt! Oh Waffles, please tell Count Kitula that I am sorry she has been living in hell this long. No one deserves to be in solitude for that long. I have a female Bengal 14 years old her name is Xena same traits and similar look. Extremely disappointed that you would in any way post anything on Their unless it was to let people know about how many are being euthanized in shelters because of breeders telling cat lovers they are so domestic and no problems. Buy this shirt:  Un Deux Trois Cat shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/un-deux-trois-cat-shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/Un-Deux-Trois-Cat-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2623362/un-deux-trois-cat-shirt

I’m a simple woman I like wine Paw Dog and Goat shirt

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Two-toed sloths are nocturnal however 3 toed are both nocturnal and I’m a simple woman I like wine Paw Dog and Goat shirt, both kinds are more active at night. Julia Grace is Not so worried about that as how so many sloths are being videoed stars lately. They’re obviously slow moving by nature, so they’re easy for grabbing right out the trees for peoples personal pet gain to be youtube stars. Buy this shirt:  I’m a simple woman I like wine Paw Dog and Goat shirt https://www.quora.com/profile/Hot-Trend-Shirt-2/Hot-Trending-Shirt/I-m-a-simple-woman-I-like-wine-Paw-Dog-and-Goat-shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/im-a-simple-woman-i-like-wine-paw-dog-and-goat-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2623360/iam-a-simple-woman-i-like-wine-paw-dog-and-goat-shirt

Motorbike on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt

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I need Motorbike on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt. Photos: First look at Fluffy, more from Universal Orlando Resort’s new Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure roller coaster. I have to tip my hat to their courage and admit that these guys are really cool since even I haven’t done this myself! This would be a great page for stories about motorcycles. Probably have to go to a legendary car page if we want good motorcycle pictures and articles. Buy this shirt:  Motorbike on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair shirt https://tictail.com/trangdoanno01/motorbike-on-a-dark-desert-highway-cool-wind-in-my-hair-shirt https://linkhay.com/link/2623358/motorbike-on-a-dark-desert-highway-cool-wind-in-my-hair-shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/motorbike-dark-desert-highway-cool-wind-my-hair-shirt-nicefrogtee/

Sloth try my new recipe they’re called shut the fucupcakes shirt

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I just want this to be my life, have a nice relaxing bath, get some flowers and take a Sloth try my new recipe they’re called shut the fucupcakes shirt. Perfect. Get me one I’m sure it will love living at our house as the name says I would have Zoe Emmett back too. I love that they put them in a mixture of leaves and tea, all natural, these sloths are definitely loved and well taken care of. Such beautiful creatures. Buy this shirt:  Sloth try my new recipe they’re called shut the fucupcakes shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sloth-try-my-new-recipe-theyre-called-shut-fucupcakes-nicefrogtee/ https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/sloth-try-my-new-recipe-they-re-called-shut-the-fucupcakes-shirt http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/sloth-try-my-new-recipe-they-re-called-shut-the-fucupcakes-shirt.html

Let’s get Shamrocked Beer Irish shirt

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This year 2018 was amazing as usual! Great seeing old faves like Let’s get Shamrocked Beer Irish shirt, Brick Top Blaggers, and Fighting Jameson! I was completely blown away by Celtica Pipes Rock! If their line for Merch hadn’t been so long I would have got their cd! Loved the show! Too bad it’s once a year. Great job everyone involved. I would have bought the T-shirt’s again but I couldn’t take stuff out to my car and I only had a teeny bag. Buy this shirt:  Let’s get Shamrocked Beer Irish shirt https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/let-s-get-shamrocked-beer-irish-shirt http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/let-s-get-shamrocked-beer-irish-shirt.html https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lets-get-shamrocked-beer-irish-shirt-nemoshirt-nicefrogtee/

Dr Seuss Read Oh the places you’ll go when you shirt

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I think dry white wine would be the best Dr Seuss Read Oh the places you’ll go when you shirt. Moscato plus all the other sweet fruits and juices would make it too sickly. I forget if we’ve already shared this with each other. If we have, why haven’t we tried these recipes yet? If we haven’t, why aren’t we trying these recipes right now? When we get our house you’ll have to come over & I’ll make these! Amy Couser who knows the next time we will be together but this is something we will need whenever we do get together! Buy this shirt:  Dr Seuss Read Oh the places you’ll go when you shirt https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/dr-seuss-read-oh-places-youll-go-when-you-shirt-nemoshirt-nicefrogtee/ https://loptruongvanhock15.wixsite.com/nemoshirt/blog/dr-seuss-read-oh-the-places-you-ll-go-when-you-shirt http://funyshirts.over-blog.com/2019/03/dr-seuss-read-oh-the-places-you-ll-go-when-you-shirt.html